Answer Center

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]The first step is to contact Hannah Hastings, Enrollment Coordinator: 608-637-7828;
Hannah will provide a packet of information introducing Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School and Waldorf education. She will arrange a date and time to tour the school as well as discuss enrollment options for their child including age requirements and grade placement.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]
- Receive information packet and review
- Tour the school
- Attend an information meeting, if possible
- Read the parent handbook
- Request an application – one is included in information packet
- Submit application with $50 fee per child
- Upon receipt of application, along with $50 fee, the Enrollment & Outreach Coordinator will arrange
to have the child/ren meet with class teacher and visit the classroom:- For children in kindergarten – attend a Kindergarten Morning with parents. In the event a
Kindergarten Morning is not available, a Morning Walk with the kindergarten will suffice - For children in the grades – visit in the classroom for a minimum of two consecutive days
- For summer enrollment, the classroom visit may be waived at the discretion of the teacher
- For children in kindergarten – attend a Kindergarten Morning with parents. In the event a
- Parent Interview with kindergarten or class teacher – for parents only
- A letter is sent to inform parents if the student may join the class. Accompanying the letter are
registration papers, immunization record and the Participation & Financial Commitment (PFC) form - Submit registration paperwork, registration fee of $50 a child per household/contract, and the PFC
form, including tuition adjustment paperwork if applicable - Interview with Development Director to discuss expectations and opportunities for parent
involvement - Previous school records need to be sent to the school and reviewed by the class teacher
- Attend a New Parent Orientation
- The enrollment process will be complete when all registration paperwork returned, fees paid, and PFC form signed by the parents and school

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]For Parent-Child programs parents may choose which class to join based on those offered.
In kindergarten, placement is made by the lead kindergarten teachers and enrollment coordinator based on the class size and age balance they are working to achieve.
The curriculum used in Waldorf Schools strives to meet the developmental needs of the children at each age level; therefore it is important that each child is placed in the developmentally appropriate grade. A child should be six years old by June 1 to be placed in first grade and this age pattern continues through the grades.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Enrollment is open throughout the grades however students are admitted to the eighth grade under specific conditions which can be discussed with the enrollment coordinator.
For other grades, the same enrollment process is followed. Once an application is completed, a two-day class visit is scheduled followed by an interview prior to acceptance.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Class sizes vary depending on space, legal ratios for early childhood programs and experience of the teacher.
Kindergarten classes are generally enrolled up to 14 students.
Grades classes may have up to 25 students.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]If PRWS receives more applications than we have seats available, a waiting list will be created. An application must be submitted before a child is placed on a waiting list. Students from the waiting list may be selected when a place opens in the class and/or when the teacher is ready to integrate a new student. Applications will be considered in the order we receive them, with priority given to children of faculty/staff and siblings of current students.
Sibling preference is generally only applicable in the kindergarten programs and in that case siblings are often placed together in the same program.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Additional support may be required for students enrolling in the upper grades to help them in Spanish, Eurythmy, strings and perhaps in art. Efforts are made to help students integrate with their class as soon as possible.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]The first step in determining whether to transfer to Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School is to contact our Enrollment Coordinator and schedule a tour.
Hannah Hastings, Enrollment Coordinator. 608-637-7828;
Students coming from non-Waldorf settings generally thrive at our school. They respond well to the relationship with nature, the arts and non-competitive environment where they are seen by their teacher/s and called upon to do their best work at their appropriate stage of development.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Family members are asked not to take photos or videos during school events. (See the following question/answer for an explanation of the reasons why.)
A school photographer takes pictures, and the photos are made available through the school website for parents to share or print as they desire. If and when videos are made, they will be uploaded to our YouTube site and a link included on the photos page.
Family members may take photos/videos before and after certain events. And in the classroom, teachers may allow a special time to take photos of class plays, such as a dress rehearsal or following the production.
Photo/video opportunities will be announced at individual events. Any classroom recording should be discussed with the teacher well ahead of time. If photographing is allowed, it should be done discreetly.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Waldorf education strives to foster authentic and sacred experiences for each individual child. We wish to allow them to hold onto them as long as possible. Restricting photos and videos of events is one important way we can do that.
To that end, the school’s policy on the use of video equipment and cameras has two primary intentions.
1) To help all audience members at festivals, assemblies and plays enjoy the performances of the students. The distraction of a neighbor’s camera, screen or recording device pulls our attention away from what the students are offering.
2) To preserve the child’s experience of the event. A child’s experience can be changed considerably after viewing their performance through a lens. Their living memory based on their experience is of utmost importance and viewing from the outside awakens a critical eye when one is not yet needed. Also, an abstracted self-consciousness may be cultivated after viewing images of one’s self.
If you have questions about our photo and video policy or have suggestions regarding events you would like to see covered, please speak to the Administrator at 608-637-7828.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]