35th Anniversary
Welcome to the 35th Anniversary Celebration for Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School
Thirty-five years ago, a school was founded by a small group of families looking for a simpler life in the rural valleys and ridges that surround Viroqua and environs. Their vision was to build a child-centered educational community that reflected the values they held dear: reverence for life, for learning, and for the children themselves.
From its humble beginnings as a one-room schoolhouse with three students and one teacher, Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School has grown to serve 150 children in early childhood through eighth grade. This year we have so much to celebrate as we look back in joy and gratitude for all of the many students, families, teachers and staff that have been a part of the life of this school.
35th Anniversary Video: Celebrating 35 Years
Celebrating 35 Years is a collection of memories we’ve captured with the help of several of our alumni, alumni parents, faculty/staff and current parents. We presented this at our 35th Anniversary dinner on April 25th, 2015. Enjoy! Thank you to Marianne Fieber-Dhara, Cynthia Olmstead and David Levin for producing the video and to participants Philothea Bezin, Cele Wolf, Julee Caspers Agar, Erika Broser, Kathy Neidert, Mary Christenson, and Jacob Hundt.
Presentations by Alumni speakers for our 35th Anniversary dinner:
As we celebrate 35 years at Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School, we’d love to know about your experiences here—as a student, as a parent or grandparent, as a teacher or staff person, or as a friend of the school. We’d also love to hear from you in person if you’d like to share in an audio and/or video format (see below) or have photos to share with us. Please fill out the form below and bookmark this page to check back for some of our upcoming events for the 35th Anniversary. Thank you!
[contact-form subject=”Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School 35th Anniversary ” to=”[email protected]”] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] What are your favorite memories of Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School? [contact-field label=”Memory 1:” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Memory 2:” type=”textarea” /] [contact-field label=”Memory 3:” type=”textarea” /]Please contact me. I would be happy to…:[contact-field label=”Participate in an audio recording” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Participate in a video recording” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Share photos/videos/other memorabilia” type=”checkbox” /] I am a/an (select as many as are applicable): [contact-field label=”Alumna/us” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Alumni parent” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Former staff” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Former teacher” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Current student” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Current parent” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Current staff” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Current teacher” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Grandparent/other relative” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Friend” type=”checkbox” /] [/contact-form]